This is the official Koshikan« Corp.'s Drive Emulator Readme file. If you wish to distribute this program, please distribute it with ALL FILES INTACT! If you received only a partial of this file, please email Koshikan Corp. Members.
Table of Contents:
1. Overview -An overview of this program
2. File List - A list of all files.
3. Using the program -How to use the program
4 Troubleshooting -If an error occurs (Hopefully not)
5 Credits & Contacts -Credits to those who deserve, who to contact and some link
6 Revisions and Versions -Versions and changes.
1. Overview
This program actually creates a virtual drive for you. Virtual means a new drive letter(ie. E:\). It doesn't require you to have a new harddisk if you need a new drive. Just like using fdisk, this program creates a new virtual drive for any of your directories easily. Below are the benefits of using this program:-
A) Unlike fdisk, you don't have to worry about accidentally destroying data on your harddisk.
B) If your CD-ROM is slow, you can copy the entire thing from the CD into your harddisk,
and then create a virtual drive for that directory. This will give you speed and more
memory. All of us know how slow the *Fastest* CD-ROM drive in the market is. More
over, the driver itself requires about 27K of the precious conventional memory.
C) Create new drive letters whenever you feel like it and remove it when you are done.
D) Amaze your friends by having a total of 26 drive letters. WOW!(You can then tell them
that you have over 20 gigs of HD space. :)
*By the way, this software is a freeware but if you like it, you can donate some money to any
charitable groups using the name Koshikan Corp.
2. File List
Below are the file list for Koshikan Corp. Drive Emulator v1.4:
Readme.txt - A simple version of the readme.
Readme.wri - A more enjoyable version of readme.
License.txt - The License Agreement.
KCDEMU.exe - The Drive emulator.
KCDDEL.exe - The drive deleter.
KCDVIEW.exe - The drive viewer.
KC.NFO - Info about Koshikan Corp.
3. Using the program
Using this program is really, really easy. All you have to do is type 'kcdemu'. Then read
everything that pops out, and then enter the directory path of the directory you want to create
the virtual drive. Press enter(DUH). Then enter the drive letter of the virtual drive you want.
c:\>kcdemu <-----------The executable
(BLAH BLAH BLAH pops out....)
Please enter the path [q to quit]: c:\mydir <-----------The directory path
Please enter the desired drive [q to quit]: f: <-----------The drive letter you want to create.
If there is error, skip to Troubleshooting section. If no, Congratulations! You have done it!
If you want to delete a virtual drive (got fed up of it), you can run the program called 'kcddel'. This program deletes a virtual drive entered by you. It can also view virtual drives created.
To run, enter the following:
c:\>kcddel <-----------------------The executable
(BLAH BLAH BLAH pops out...)
Please enter drive to delete [v to view virtual drives, q to quit]: f: <------Drive to delete
Please enter drive to delete to view virtual drives, q to quit]: v <---To view created drives
If you would like to view the drives only without going thru the hassle, run 'kcdview'. It shows you all the created virtual drives.
Please note that the virtual drives will disappear when the computer reboots. I am working on a new version that can make it permanent.
I hope that you will enjoy this little program. If you really did enjoy, please send some
4 Troubleshooting
If you receive an error stating 'Parse error #', it means that you have entered some wrong information. Maybe you put in the wrong path or you forgot the colon(:) behind the drive?
Most probably, you will receive an error like:
Dos Error #3 or something like that
If it is so, below is a table on these error:
Error# | Meaning | Troubleshooting
2 File not found Make sure you typed in everythin correct.
3 Path not found Make sure you typed in everythin correct.
5 Access denied Make sure you have not locked out any of the files
8 Not enough memory Free up more memory. Most probably conventional.
Or, you will receive errors like run time errors. Below is the table for the errors:
Error # | Error Message | Troubleshooting
1 Invalid function number Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
2 File not found Make sure you typed in everythin correct.
3 Path not found Make sure you typed in everythin correct.
4 Too many open files Try closing the program and then run it again.
5 File access denied Try disable read-only and hidden.
6 Invalid file handle Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
12 Invalid file access code Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
15 Invalid drive number Only use drive letters A-Z
16 Cannot remove current directory Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
17 Cannot rename across drives Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
18 No more files Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
100 Disk read error Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
101 Disk write error Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
102 File not assigned Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
103 File not open Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
104 File not open for input Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
105 File not open for output Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
106 Invalid numeric format Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
150 Disk is write-protected Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
151 Bad drive request struct length Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
152 Drive not ready Maybe your hard disk crashed. Try check your hard disk.
154 CRC error in data Your hard disk may have developed bad sector 156 Disk seek error Maybe your hard disk crashed. Try check your hard disk.
157 Unknown media type Your hard disk is not formatted yet. (Not virtual drive.)
158 Sector Not Found Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
159 Printer out of paper Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
160 Device write fault Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
161 Device read fault Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
162 Hardware failure Maybe your hard disk crashed. Try check your hard disk.
200 Division by zero Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
201 Range check error Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
202 Stack overflow error Try making more conventional mem free
203 Heap overflow error Try making more conventional mem free
204 Invalid pointer operation Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
205 Floating point overflow Try making more conventional mem free
206 Floating point underflow Try making more conventional mem free
207 Invalid floating point operation Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
208 Overlay manager not installed Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
209 Overlay file read error Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
210 Object not initialized Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
211 Call to abstract method Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
212 Stream registration error Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
213 Collection index out of range Should not happen. Pls email if happened.
214 Collection overflow error Try making more mem free
215 Arithmetic overflow error Try making more mem free
216 General Protection fault Your hard disk may have developed bad sector
If there are other errors, please mail to me. I will look into the problem A.S.A.P.
4. -Koshikan Corp.'s HQ. Lots of cool stuff!
6. Revisions and versions:
Version 1.0 -15/05/98- Project started
Version 1.1 -23/05/98- Editted the codes. Destroyed some bugs. Help file available.
Version 1.2 -30/05/98- Better Help file available. Changed some outlook.
Added colour to the words. Drive Viewer now available.
Version 1.3 -09/06/98- Discarded the need for kcdemu.ini file. It has built-in configurator now. Changed the drive viewer to a simpler outlook.
Version 1.4 -15/06/98- Drive deleter now available. Updated kcdemu.exe file.
*First public release*
k k cccc ⌐
k k c c
k k c
kk c
k k c
k k c c
k k ccc
Koshikan« Corporation.
Created by: CkWhy
Product #: 250598113001
Koshikan Corp., Koshikan, Dreamguy, Skidzo & CkWhy is Copyright 1998. No duplicating of these names are permitted. All pictures and logos here are registered trademark of Koshikan« Corp.